Ctrl +A | Selecteaza toate straturile |
Ctrl +D | Deselecteaza toate straturile |
Ctrl +E | Sterge toate straturile |
Ctrl +Z | Anuleaza modificarile |
Ctrl +Y | Revino la modificari |
Ctrl +L | Arata/ascunde linia de taiere |
Ctrl +R | Arata/ascunde rigla |
Ctrl +H | Centreaza pe horizontal |
Ctrl ++ | Mareste |
Ctrl +- | Micsoreaza |
Ctrl +0 | Potrivire in ecran |
Ctrl +1 | Revino la marimea reala |
Ctrl +] | Muta stratul mai sus |
Ctrl +[ | Muta stratul mai jos |
Ctrl +O | Load your designs |
Ctrl +B | Ingrosare text |
Ctrl +I | Italicize your text |
Ctrl +G | Group layers |
Ctrl +P | Duplicați straturile |
Alt +U | Transforma textul in litere MARI |
Alt +L | Transforma textul in litere mici |
Alt +← | Move the selected layers to left 1px |
Alt +→ | Move the selected layers to right 1px |
Alt +↑ | Move the selected layers to top 1px |
Alt +↓ | Move the selected layers to bottom 1px |
Alt + | Free transform |
Shift ++ | Zoom out selected layers |
Shift +- | Zoom in selected layer |
Shift +G | Arata/ascunde grid |
Shift +D | Arata/ascunde dimensiunile scenei |
Shift +L | Sterge toate liniile de ghidare |
Shift + | Centered scaling |
← | Move the selected layers to left 10px |
→ | Move the selected layers to right 10px |
↑ | Move the selected layers to top 10px |
↓ | Move the selected layers to bottom 10px |
Delete | Sterge straturile selectate |
V | Disable drawing mode |
B | Enable drawing mode |
Esc | Quit text editing |
Ctrl +Shift +] | Adu stratul in fata |
Ctrl +Shift +[ | Trimite strat in spate |
Ctrl +Shift +V | Centreaza pe vertical |
Ctrl +Shift +I | Importa design |
Ctrl +Shift +E | Exporta design |
Ctrl +Shift +S | Salveaza model pentru editare ulterioara |
Ctrl +Shift +O | Load Your Design in Cart |
Ctrl +Shift +G | Ungroup |
Ctrl +Shift +L | Sterge toate editarile |
Ctrl +Shift +< | Decreate font size |
Ctrl +Shift +> | Increate font size |
Cut Line
Aceasta este linia de taiere a produsului. Linia de taiere finala poate varia datorita procesului de taiere.
Zona sigura
Pastrati textul si imaginile importante in interiorul acestei linii pentru a fi siguri ca nu vor fi taiate in procesul final de taiere.
Model NOU
Some fonts you have chosen can not show some of the text you have added. Please choose fonts that is compatible with your language.
Go to <b>Layers tab</b>, check all layers have the exclamation mark:
- Dublu clic pentru a edita textul
- Clic dreapta pe stratul selectat pentru a vedea meniul