Boutique festival Secret Garden went down in Sydney’ s Camden over the weekend, and all the free-spirited kids came out to play in a mix of creative and outlandish ensembles. Seriously, if you didn’t scream eccentric and quirky, you would’ve felt like the odd one out amongst the aliens, mermaids and glittery hippies dripping in face paint, flash tatts, tiaras…
De câte ori am fost plăcut surprinși când ni s-au oferit într-un centru comercial, pe stradă sau la un eveniment la care am participat, agende, pixuri sau calendare de la reprezentanții unor companii? Dincolo de bucuria creată, așa avem și ocazia să aflăm de servicii sau produse noi și chiar de branduri proaspăt intrate pe piață.
În mediul contemporan de afaceri, nevoia de materiale promoționale, ambalaje și orice alte alte obiecte personalizate a devenit din ce în ce mai mare, acoperind tot mai multe domenii de activitate, serviciile de imprimare și de personalizare fiind astfel esențiale în realizarea unor produse de calitate, cât mai atractive și de interes.
În această secțiune vă prezentăm câteva din lucrările noastre.
Create a Beautiful Wedding
Boutique festival Secret Garden went down in Sydney’ s Camden over the weekend, and all the free-spirited kids came out to play in a mix of creative and outlandish ensembles. Seriously, if you didn’t scream eccentric and quirky, you would’ve felt like the odd one out amongst the aliens, mermaids and glittery hippies dripping in face paint, flash tatts, tiaras…
A Holiday Housewarming
Boutique festival Secret Garden went down in Sydney’ s Camden over the weekend, and all the free-spirited kids came out to play in a mix of creative and outlandish ensembles. Seriously, if you didn’t scream eccentric and quirky, you would’ve felt like the odd one out amongst the aliens, mermaids and glittery hippies dripping in face paint, flash tatts, tiaras…
Happy Holidays Photo Cards
Boutique festival Secret Garden went down in Sydney’ s Camden over the weekend, and all the free-spirited kids came out to play in a mix of creative and outlandish ensembles. Seriously, if you didn’t scream eccentric and quirky, you would’ve felt like the odd one out amongst the aliens, mermaids and glittery hippies dripping in face paint, flash tatts, tiaras…
Esliproser postcards
Boutique festival Secret Garden went down in Sydney’s Camden over the weekend, and all the free-spirited kids came out to play in a mix of creative and outlandish ensembles….